RCV Unofficial Study Committee Calendar
Each month over this summer, NH-RCV is hosting "Ranked Choice Voting: The Unofficial Study Committee", a three-part mini-course that deep dives on the details of RCV and how it would look in NH. All legislators, as well as Secretary of State and municipal officials, are invited to attend, learn everything there is to know about RCV, as well as get all questions answered. The mini course will be repeated to occur in June, July and August, and a full Saturday course combining all three parts on Saturday July 10th starting at 9am. (Zoom links will be sent out before the event to those who have RSVP'd.)
Part I - Why Ranked Choice Voting? The Problems it Solves and the Basics of How it Works
Part II - RCV in Multi-Winner Elections (NH House), primaries, and municipalities; and alternative systems
Part III - Constitutionality; RCV Implementation, Administration, and Cost